

Air, Nitrogen or Water accessories

 We deliver the complete air or nitrogen package.



Temperature control

Heat exchangers, aftercoolers and chillers



Quality control

After-filter skids and dryers



Performance control

Air/nitrogen receivers



Connecting accessories



Depending on the required air/nitrogen temperature and humidity for your application, different combinations of air/nitrogen/water accessories can be offered.



Depending on the required air/nitrogen temperature and humidity for your application, different combinations of air/nitrogen/water accessories can be offered. From heat exchangers, aftercoolers and chillers for temperature control, to after-filter skids and dryers for quality control, to air/nitrogen receivers for performance control.


• cold air/nitrogen  

• cool air/nitrogen

• cool and dry air/nitrogen

• warm air/nitrogen

• hot air/nitrogen

• hot and dry air/nitrogen

• super hot and dry air/nitrogen


Not only do we deliver the temperature and quality control equipment - including the measurement devices - but also all connecting accessories; from hoses, to connectors, to manifolds.


Why choose to lease our products

Bluelake (Shenzhen) Equipment Leasing Co., Ltd.

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