
1. Traditional aerodynamics: pneumatic tools, rock drills, pneumatic picks, pneumatic wrenches, pneumatic sandblasting

2. Instrument control and automation devices, such as tool change in machining centers.
3. Vehicle braking, doors and windows opening and closing
4. In the air-jet loom, compressed air is used to blow the weft yarn instead of the shuttle.
5. Food and pharmaceutical industries, using compressed air to stir the slurry
6. Starting of large marine diesel engines
7.Wind tunnel experiments, ventilation in underground passages, metal smelting
8. Oil well fracturing
9.High pressure air blasting coal mining
10. Weapon systems, missile launches, torpedo launches
11.Submarine ups and downs, shipwreck salvage, submarine oil exploration, hovercraft
12, tire inflation
13, spray paint
14.Blow molding machine
15.Air separation industry
16. Industrial control power (driving cylinder, pneumatic component)
17.Producing high pressure air for cooling and drying of processed parts

Let's talk about the solution

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